Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I started today differently than past days. I woke up at the exact same time, climbed down the ladder in the same lazy manner and packed up my backpack just as I had the previous day. The difference came with the shoes I chose to wear. Rather than putting on my Reebok's, I put on my Rockport Prowalker XLs, walking shoes generally geared toward a more elderly audience. What is someone under the age of 45 doing with these shoes? Well, while I bought them before coming to COSMOS, it is clear that they will come in handy. Walking shoes come in handy when each day consists of about five miles of a trek between classes and food/dorms.
Today, we (as in the students participating in COSMOS) listened to a lecture on Brain Based Devices that, surprisingly, kept my attention to the point that I wasn't even falling asleep! This feat could not be accomplished by the lab safety lecture the previous day. Afterward my cluster went to a classroom to learn grammar. Memories seeped in to my brain (not a device but the actual thing) of being the Content Editor for my school newspaper. I remembered back to editing articles each day, crossing out commas, making sentences don't have prepositions that they end on. I have never been much of a grammar-ista, but don't ever tell me someone did "good" on. . .anything.
In the afternoon we (as in my cluster) had a discussion on quantum mechanics. Memories seeped in to my brain of my dad discussing the topics with my brother and I, but mostly my brother. I could not remember too many specifics, but did remember enough to follow along. The idea of the line between humans and machines being hazy is bizarre and seems at the same time not that unlikely.
I'm hoping that I will get an Ethernet cable in a few hours which would allow me to be on the Internet more frequently. Until then, I bid you adieu.


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