Thursday, July 13, 2006

It is the fourth real day of camp and the early mornings are getting to me. Luckily, I have not yet succumbed to coffee, something that my brother had to resort to when attending a summer camp similar to this one. I have grabbed one piece of fruit from each meal in order to stockpile a psuedo-breakfast without needing to go to the cafeteria. I'll see if this will enable me to wake up later.
Last night we played dodgeball. I ended up being much better at throwing the ball than I had previously thought. My school held a 64 team "Dodgeball Mania" where each team consisted of 6 players. My team, Improv Club presents Captain Planet and the Planeteers, lost badly in the first round to Godz Gift to Women. Although we lost, our team entrance was very epic. If you know the show, we had five of our members combine our rings and another member of the team hidden in the audience, fully adorned in Captain Planet gear. Personally, I was Kwame. Anyway, this time around I did much better in dodgeball, even if I did not have my planeteers by my side.


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